Bethuadahari is a village in Nakashipara CD Block in Krishnanagar Sadar subdivision of Nadia district of the state of West Bengal, India. It is almost 28 km from the district headquarters Krishnanagar town.
As per the 2011 Census of India, Bethuadahari had a total population of 4,923, of which 2,540 (52%) were males and 2,383 (48%) were females. Population below 6 years was 436. The total number of literates in Bethuadahri was 3,502 (78.05% of the population over 6 years).
Bethuadahari Railway Station is on the Lalgola sub-division of the Eastern Railway, which connects it with Sealdah station. Few passengers and express train pass through the station. National Highway 12 (old number 34) passes through the town.
The nearby reserve forest is known mainly for python and deer. Bethuadahari Avayaranya or Bethuadahari Wildlife Sanctuary is very important tourist spot of the state. It is famous for insemination of deers. The sanctuary covers 67 hectares, and was established in 1980 to preserve a portion of the central Gangetic alluvial ecozone. There are another important sugarcane laboratory infornt of the local Block.Development Office.